Contact Us/Booking Form
Contact Us/Booking Form
Use the form to send us a message. Use the Checkbox List to let us know the purpose of your contact, and to give us any extra information. You may be assured of a quick reply. You may also request a Zoom meeting by ticking the box on this form.
Use the Message box to give us further details and anything else you need. Please add how you would prefer to be contacted. If you want a reply by phone, don't forget to include your number.
Costs for weddings: please click here.
Please let us have details of what you'd like for your wedding, by putting your answers to the points below in the Message box on this page..
1/. Preferred date and time
2/. Name of the church.
3/. Do you want an organist?
4/. Do you want church bells?
5/. Do you want a choir?
6/. Do you want the services of our vergers?
7/. Do you want to arrange your own flowers?